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Fall Foliage

Offseason 🍂

Offseason is our September through November training program. Athletes will begin the process of developing improved endurance, speed, strength and technique to build a strong base for the next season. During this period training will consist of conditioning workouts on the track, hill training and weightlifting. Speed and technique aspects of the offseason are baked into the warmup process. All training over this 12-week period is done in flats. Overall, the goal is to come back with a better body and mechanics for the next season. The offseason is the perfect time to kickstart that journey!


Preseason ❄️

The preseason is our December through February training program. It is very important to start the spring season strong. There will be increased conditioning and speed work along with the addition of event specific technique training. Also, athletes will have the opportunity to participate in indoor track meets hosted by The Podium (Spokane), University of Washington, the Simplot Games (Idaho) and other special events should you qualify (NIKE, New Balance and USATF Indoor Nationals). Lastly, athletes wear flats during all running exercises and spikes for all blocks, hurdle and jump technique.

Branch with Catkins

Spring 🌞

For spring season (March to May) athletes will participate in school track, club invitational meets and college events allowing entry. Strength training is reduced as we shift our primary focus toward speed, technique and endurance. The goal is to train well, compete moderately and steadily build racing performance each week heading into championship season. School track participants only come for technique and strength maintenance to avoid any overtraining and potential injury. For all conditioning exercises, athletes will be in flats. Spikes should be worn for all of speed and technique!!

Summer landscape

Summer 🔥

Summer is championship season! It's also our shortest season at 8 weeks (June to July). Athletes will participate in open meets, club invitational meets, USATF Junior Olympics and other championship events (Brooks PR and NIKE/New Balance Outdoor Nationals) should they qualify. The strength work is reduced to pure maintenance. All speed and conditioning are in spikes aside from special exercises like grass, hills, overspeed and sled training (push and pull). Please note, athletes feeling spent after indoors and school track are welcome to use summer for rest and to get early jump on next season!

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